Bit worried at idea chicken soup against a cold is merely a placebo. That's 3 millenia of Jewish penicillin binned?

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You're right - I'm not giving chicken soup its fair dues. The carnosine in chicken apparently helps loosen that congested feeling of a cold and chicken bones release gelatine, glucosamine and choindroitin which are all good repairers. However the benefits only last for as long as the soup remains in the body. But don't dismiss its power as a placebo. Belief in it is a powerful cure.

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Apr 14, 2021Liked by Julia Watson

Another brilliant, funny piece from Julia!

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Slowly catching up on a backlog of email, I can't wait to try this recipe. I do wonder if the powdered turmeric is as beneficial as the fresh? I'll keep using it regardless, but I'm curious. Have you tried it in the famous Alison Roman spiced chick-pea stew?

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She is Ace. But no, that's not a recipe I've tried. But I shall. Big chickpea fan. Always plan to make meringues out of the aquafaba...but then, somehow doesn't happen.

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You should try it. It's great. We add a protein to it, though it doesn't need it. As for the aquafaba, I add it to my humus, it makes it lighter and fluffier.

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In humus - brilliant idea!

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I read that sunlight removes the stain of turmeric and it has worked for me.

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PS This is the kind of tip I love! And follow with hope in my heart.

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For bleugh% of the year we have no sunlight to speak of. But it's around the corner, so I shall hang out my yellows and cross my fingers...

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