Mar 8, 2023Liked by Julia Watson

A wonderful hard hitting and informative piece. Thanks!

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Desperately sad. Even more despair on this morning's Farming Today...

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A bit of a rant but what's happening to farmers is not unlike the way the NHS has been treated.

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That was not a rant but a very clear statement on farming in the UK today, thank you.

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Thank you. It's dreadful the way DEFRA doesn't seem to be listening to our farmers. Our food supplies will get even worse.

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Next to climate change, you've hit on maybe the most important topic we face on our little planet, Julia! As always, terrific writing and research.

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It's just dire how many of these topics need addressing. The list grows and grows! Thank you for your generous words.

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So disappointed this wasn't a recipe for crisp sandwiches! 😂

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