Back in the days when I was still making a fool of myself (pun deliberate) in front of audiences and cameras, I did a t.v. commercial for Cool Whip. It was supposed to be late at night. I was dressed in a bathrobe with spoon in hand and an eager expression on my face, revealed when I opened the refrigerator door--the camera was set where the back of the appliance should have been. There was a dish on the top shelf with a large mound of Cool Whip on top. I took a heaping spoonful, put it in my mouth, swooned, and closed the door. I'm not sure why--the lighting or something--but many, many takes were required. Probably because the director wanted the client to believe that the huge fees involved were justified. I could have managed a take or two, but we kept going and going--twenty takes or more-- and I spat the artificial vanilla-flavored goo into a towel after every "Cut!" was called. It took considerable acting skill to look like I was enjoying it. I've never knowingly eaten Cool Whip since that day.

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